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Create a free account, get a free website for restaurant,
ON-LINE order features, facilitate order process.
Restaurant Point of Sale computer
What is unique to any other else !
  • AUTO collect customer's information and shared, delivery address envelopes print, send bulk emails.
  • Customized special promotion message on each printed receipt.
  • Increase nice order experience, increase sales revenue, increase overall expectation.
  • Sales report, sales analysis, advertising focus areas decision.
  • standardized procedure, improve efficiency.
  • * * * Over 430, 000 words English-Chinese Bilingual Translate Dictionary integrated (金字典).
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Free website, with on-line-order system.
Free credit card process software integrated.
  1. hand-writting capability.
  2. Speaking orders automatically.
  3. Caller IDs support (two lines per system).
  4. Display delivery map ( Google Map ).
  5. Free credit card processing software integrated.
    • CALL  ( 888 ) 414 - 6094      eMail
    • CALL  ( 718 ) 880 - 8136      eMail
  6. Handles three tickets at a time, and switch between.
  7. Validate customer informations and ticket information.
  8. Split ticket or seperate package functionalities.
  9. Indexed Chefs orders printing.
  10. Flexibility to modify a dish automatically ( six methods ).
  11. Daily special and coupon discount checking.
  12. Fast import menu from template.
  13. Auto generate free website menu and images.
  14. Server banking account.
  15. Server personal setting.
  16. Report every hours sales.
  17. Online remote training and fix any problems related to software.
  18. and other basic functions ...